The Human Spirit
I've had the opportunity to share some incredible experiences with some extraordinary people. Sometimes I've been able to photograph them in candid moments and sometimes not. What never fails to amaze me is how powerful, resilient and courageous the human spirit is. Seeing that indescribable depth of passion, love, tragedy and humor I see etched in people's faces and in the actions they perform is a gift beyond measure.
Studio portrait shoots are always fun too. The challenge of designing lighting, backdrops, angles, expressions and poses to most effectively reflect someone's personality is also an opportunity I really enjoy. I love being able to bring out and capture that richly unique tapestry of personality and being that each of us is imbued with.
In addition to more traditional photo shoots in the studio, I am increasingly being asked for two things: the first is doing more candid shots out in the field for everything from business portraits to families or even pets, and the second is a lot more video shoots. Sometimes I help clients make videos for career advancement purposes and sometimes to help people share their unique stories. Often these types of videos enable a person (maybe an aged love one) to document experiences in their life's journey so they can be shared with family, friends and future generations. In many ways, I think these are my favorite kind of things to film because the stories I hear are so moving and important.